This site is awesome! It has all the latest videos, cheats, secrets, catalogue stuff, trackers and much more! Keep visiting and you will be able to get all the info as we update the

site often!


From F T 999 (my penguin name!)

P.S all cheats and stuff are posted below!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Catalogue Cheats and Pin!

Catalogue Cheats and Pin...

April 2011 clothes catalogue:

Page 1 
1.Click the Green Mountain in the middle of the page 
= White Cocoa Bunny Costume

2.Click the silver wheel/handle on the right of the page
= White Cocoa Bunny Ears

Page 2
1. Click the moon in the top right of the page
= Country Gal Cowgirl hat

Page 3
1. Click the purple glass bottle on the left of the screen
= Cocoa Bunny Costume

2. Click the wooden barrel on the right of the screen
= Cocoa Bunny Ears

The Pin is located in the ski lodge
It is a tree

Thanks for visiting,

F T 999

P.S I will be uploading video tutorials really 
soon to make it easier! 

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