This site is awesome! It has all the latest videos, cheats, secrets, catalogue stuff, trackers and much more! Keep visiting and you will be able to get all the info as we update the

site often!


From F T 999 (my penguin name!)

P.S all cheats and stuff are posted below!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Here are all the answers for the easter egg hunt!

Room Answers
1. Dojo - Hidden behind plant in right corner
2. Dock - Bottom of screen behind green rock
3. Forest - Bottom left behind rock
4. Cave - Behind deck chair
5. Mine - Up in the tree on the left
6. Lodge Attic - Behind couch
7. Ski Hill - Next to sign on the left
8. Snow Fort - Bottom right corner

Prize = Background :(

Hope it helped!

F T 999

P.S i will be uploading video and pictures 
soon so it's easier to follow and get cheats.

PLUS: check out our Youtube Channel:


or visit our channel:

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